Rapid Application Development Framework: Stop Slow Development

During the construct phase, low-code platforms with model-driven development features empower both developers and business users. The best developers can tackle the thorniest problems because easy-to-understand visual models allow citizen developers to seamlessly contribute new ideas to the product’s designs and features. The Rapid Application Development model of software development emphasizes the User Design cycle of prototyping, testing, and refining. Where the waterfall method is planned and rigid, RAD is flexible and responsive to user input. Rapid Application Development can reduce your risk and delivery time while allowing you to engage more with your customers and business users during software development.

  • Too many organizations fail to recognize the value of these constraints and as such fail to take full advantage of this approach.
  • Thus RAD is considered optimal for small or medium-size teams.
  • However, certain elements of rapid application development methodology can be applied even in such cases.
  • The initial solution was developed by Barry Boehm, and was known as the „spiral model“.
  • The RAD methodology’s meat and potatoes and what sets it distinct from other project management strategies is this.
  • The software developers rapidly build the designed prototype into a functional software, iteratively updating it to incorporate feedback.

The idea of business process re-engineering was to radically rethink core business processes such as sales and customer support with the new capabilities of Information Technology in mind. RAD was often an essential part of larger business re engineering programs. The rapid prototyping approach of RAD was a key tool to help users and analysts „think out of the box“ about innovative ways that technology might radically reinvent a core business process. Because the RAD model requires less upfront design and planning, it’s easier for you to get your software in front of customers quickly.

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Other rapid application development frameworks focus on the web as it is a dominant channel for interaction with end-users these days. For example, at Jmix we try to join the convenience and speed of visual data model and interface design with the power of modern open source technologies. Such approach not only boosts prototyping speed, but also enables you to grow your prototype into a full-featured rapid development methodologies enterprise application with a solid and scalable architecture. You can get a feel of how it works in several minutes by following the Quick Start video on our website. User design is the crucial part of the rapid application development methodology distinguishing it from the classic waterfall model. The goal is to demonstrate something to the client as soon and as cheap as possible.

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A prototype could test some of the most difficult potential parts of the system early on in the life-cycle. This can provide valuable information as to the feasibility of a design and can prevent the team from pursuing solutions that turn out to be too complex or time-consuming to implement. This benefit of finding problems earlier in the life-cycle rather than later was a key benefit of the RAD approach. The earlier a problem can be found the cheaper it is to address.

Is your team RAD-ready?

Constant iterations of user feedback and quick incremental updates help to achieve better result at the end of the day. The rapid application development framework focuses on rapidly developing software products, iterating regularly based on feedback, and providing upgraded versions of those products in the global market. If you want to create an app quickly, avoid using the Waterfall technique which demands you to keep to a strict timetable but doesn’t allow for ongoing iterations. As a result, every time the customer recommends modifications, you’ll have to repeat the development process from the beginning.

In general, RAD approaches to software development put less emphasis on planning and more emphasis on an adaptive process. Prototypes are often used in addition to or sometimes even instead of design specifications. First, you need to decide whether RAD is a good option for you.

When can you use Rapid Application Development methodology?

DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. Whether using WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms, HTML5 or Windows 10, DevExpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible. With XAF, developers can stay focused on business rules, rather than on low-level coding such as database and UI management. All prebuilt modules are distributed via NuGet and can be plugged in using Fluent API. While rapid application development offers a range of benefits, including faster project completion, increased flexibility, and enhanced collaboration, it is not without its downsides. Radzen is a low-code solution that creates Blazor and Angular web applications connected to local databases or RESTful services.

Design Patterns are basically time-tested ways to implement different types of software systems and coding structures. Begin by watching our introductory videos and learn how to use XAF UI and Web API Service to create cross-platform desktop and web CRUD apps from scratch. It primarily https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ utilizes Microsoft technologies to develop business apps for small and medium-sized enterprises. PraKom, an Austrian software company, was founded in 2008 and has 8 developers. PraKom’s VenDoc addresses the needs of over 750 companies in both the DACH and South Tyrol regions of Europe.

Advantages of Rapid Application Development

If you started building a bridge, it is unlikely that you would swap it for a ferry halfway through the process. High Quality – DevExpress is considered to be the gold standard in the development of graphical UI. Using XAF is like hiring a team of professional developers, analysts and graphical designers to design our program. It also gives us testers for free, because XAF ships with a built-in functional testing framework – Easy Test that helps us to automatically check the quality of the programs we created. Nowadays, companies around the world embrace agile frameworks and methodologies.

In the Rapid Application Development model, the software development team and the client work together to define the scope of the project. The client communicates their project goals, expectations, and issues that need to be addressed by the software. The development team evaluates the requirements and finalizes an agreed set of features to be delivered. While building the final product, all the development team has to do is reuse the code from previous prototypes, allowing developers to reuse code wherever possible. The four phases of RAD include analysis phase, design phase, rapid construction phase, and testing. These phases allow the project to be completed in a timely manner, with quality, and with minimal cost.


The other issues cited above present special challenges when using a RAD approach for very large scale systems. Business and IT stakeholders collaborate to quickly scope out a project—focusing on key objectives but allowing for flexibility during the prototyping sub-section of the User Design stage. Because RAD applications are often built quickly, without proper security testing, they’re more likely to contain vulnerabilities and bugs that can be exploited by hackers.

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The documentation is great and you simply cannot go wrong with DevExpress. Now, every application I write is ALWAYS using DevExpress UI controls and services. I have been able to convince every IT manager I met to get the DevExpress suite, both for the exceptional quality of the controls, and the really quick comeback from support, every time it’s needed. DevExpress application framework includes over 20 ready-to-use packages , including analytics, reporting, scheduling, security, multi-tenancy and more. Address major development pain points including UI theme support, error and audit event logging, data filtering and validation, data printing and doc export, file and document management.

What tools are available for Rapid Application Development?

Starting as a small web-development side-gig in 2019, RAD has quickly grown into a full-service app development company based right here in Little Rock! For us, it starts with an idea, and ends with customer satisfaction. This can especially be an issue for methodologies such as Martin’s that focus so heavily on the user interface of the system. By focusing on the development of incremental units the chances for catastrophic failures that have dogged large waterfall projects is reduced. In the Waterfall model it was common to come to a realization after six months or more of analysis and development that required a radical rethinking of the entire system. With RAD this kind of information can be discovered and acted upon earlier in the process.